EcoEtsy Silent Auction for Earth Day

I made one. That’s right, ladies and gents, I am officially a do-gooder. Not just five percent, like those Target Shoppers. I am giving a full donation to these guys:

I hope that it actually counts for something. Every so often I get a bit of paranoia that makes no sense, rationally. I start to think that all I do is collected and watched by a big agency which I can’t detect but I know is there.

But it is not.

*Due to the fact that my store per se is not part of amazing EcoEtsy Team (yet), but my family definitely is via my mom’s store (, I have contributed via George’s origami section in her store.

EDIT: It is officially now submitted under my name! I left the original text in strikethrough so that this edit makes sense!

Published in: on March 27, 2010 at 12:53 am  Leave a Comment